Early in one’s driving career, you’re looking to gain experience in any way possible. Typically, this means getting as much seat time as you can, but it’s important to take advantage of the time away from the track, too. This time can be used to review video and data, and it’s a valuable chance to form a strategic plan for your next outing. In other words, time away from the track is a great opportunity to set goals!

Many of my clients will mention that they’ve done a bunch of events and hit a plateau. This makes sense in that they’re driving a lot but continuing to do the same things. Once they hit a certain level of experience, they’re not continuing to grow. That means it’s time to focus on what’s happening—or not happening—off the track. It’s important for them to take the time away from the track to analyze their driving, then formalize a plan to improve it.

This approach is one I typically do with clients by reviewing video and suggesting specific things to work on, whether it’s corner-specific or just general driving tips. This gives a focused plan for my client to use on their next outing, whether I’m there with them at the track or not.

It’s always so rewarding when I hear from a client after an event, and they tell me that they made improvements and got closer to or even met some of their goals. I find this to be a lot of fun, and so exciting, no matter the level of experience the client has or the type of car they’re driving.

The next time you’re away from the track, think about the opportunity that presents to better yourself for your next outing!